Sapountzakis Flowers since 1874!!!!
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Bouquet Love me

Bouquet with big red roses, alstromerias, chrysanthemum and foliage to impress your partner.

Bouquet Red Passion

Bouquet with big red roses and foliage to impress your partner.

Bouquet Endless Love

Bouquet with big red roses, orchid cymbidium and foliage to impress your partner.

Bouquet Red 007

Bouquet with red big roses decorated with foliage.

Bouquet Pink Mix

Bouquet in pink, wine red, white and green colors with roses, lysianthum, alstromerias and foliage.

Bouquet Pink 010

Bouquet with pink roses and foliage.

Bouquet Orange 010

Bouquet in orange, yellow, wine red, green colors with roses, gerberas, alstromerias and foliage.

Bouquet of 100 roses

Bouquet of 100 big red roses Explorer imported from Ecuador.

Bouquet Caroline

Bouquet with red and white various flowers combined with foliage.

Bouquet Amalia

Bouquet in white and pink colors with various flowers.

Bouquet Oriental

Bouquet with white lilium, red roses and various foliage.

Bouquet Sapfo

Bouquet with roses, gerberas, crysanthemum and alstromerias in pink colors.

Bouquet Filanthi

Romantic bouquet in soft colors with various flowers and foliage.

Bouquet Coral

Bouquet in white and pink colors with various flowers.

Bouquet Ruby

Bouquet with red roses and various foliage.

Bouquet Veronica

Bouquet in pink colors with various flowers of season.

Bouquet Niriida

Bouquet in pink colors with various flowers of season.

Bouquet Gaia

Bouquet in pink colors with various flowers of season.

Bouquet Dioni

Bouquet with roses, lilium, alstromerias and foliage.

Bouquet Nafsika

Bouquet with roses, chrysanthemum, alstromerias and foliage.